The beginning of the year is usually frantic for me. I come off the Christmas break with a long to do list, new goals, which I attack with vigour, and a backlog of work to dive into.
This year was different. I got back to London from Lagos just before the new year, and I took off the first two working days of the year. For the first time, I eased into the new year instead of throwing myself into it head first. The difference has been remarkable for me. My husband and I kept remarking to ourselves that we have never felt so calm starting the year.
I’ve taken that as a bit of a theme for the month. Of course there is still drop off, and emails and work and many things to do and figure out, but I decided to approach them without the pressure, and try as much as possible to let my body lead the way as opposed to putting it on a collision course against my will.
It’s been refreshing to take time to really consider what I want the year ahead to look like and what direction to take the business. Thank you for your patience and support as we figure it out, and also don’t miss the chance to shop our amazing sale!
Ade x