We at Nubian Skin would like to wish and honour our beloved mothers all over the world celebrating Mother's Day. In our Mother's Day post, we are thrilled to have Dr Ijeoma Kola grace our brand with an insight into motherhood, in particular during a global pandemic.
There are so many aspects of being a new mom that is exhausting. The middle of the night feeds. The diaper blowouts five minutes after putting on a new outfit. Months-long teething pain and discomfort.
The guilt of not knowing how to split your time between childcare and work. Not to mention getting used to your new body, new emotions, and new reality. But for every one of those moments that make you question how good of a mom you are, there are ten times as many toothless smiles, tickle fights, your new circle of moms who understand and support you, first steps and words, and my favorite — the random, middle of the day unsolicited hugs.
It's an exhausting and sometimes thankless job, but it's the one I'm most proud of because I wasn't interviewed but was someone still found competent enough to be entrusted with!

Dr Ijeoma Kola is a public health historian, lifestyle blogger, and the founder and executive director of Cohort Sistas — a non-profit organization that supports Black women pursuing doctoral degrees by providing resources, mentorship, and community.
Dr Kola has created beauty, style, travel, and lifestyle content to inspire millennial women for over ten years and has produced digital content in partnership with both small businesses and large multinational companies.
Dr Kola holds a PhD in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University and her research examines the cultural and intellectual history of asthma in the Black diaspora.
Born in Nigeria and raised in New Jersey, she coexists between Eastern Time & Eastern African Time with her husband and toddler.
Dr Kola has created beauty, style, travel, and lifestyle content to inspire millennial women for over ten years and has produced digital content in partnership with both small businesses and large multinational companies.
Dr Kola holds a PhD in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University and her research examines the cultural and intellectual history of asthma in the Black diaspora.
Born in Nigeria and raised in New Jersey, she coexists between Eastern Time & Eastern African Time with her husband and toddler.