Softie Breast Forms

The UK's First Soft Breast Prosthesis for Women of Colour
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“Breast cancer is a disease that has affected my family and family members of the Nubian Skin team, so when I was approached by Natalie about this project, I knew instantly that I wanted to help in any way that I could.  It has been an honour for Nubian Skin to work with The Royal Marsden to create these softies, and to help in a small way in the recovery of the women who are dealing with an often life-changing diagnosis”.

- Ade Hassan, Nubian Skin Founder

In Collaboration with the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity

Women of color, particularly in Black and Asian communities often have lower breast cancer awareness and as a result, black women are diagnosed with more advanced breast cancers. Providing women who have undergone a mastectomy with appropriately colored prosthesis goes a long way to improve their care.

Following feedback from patients, Natalie Johnson, a Breast and Oncoplastic Surgeon at The Royal Marsden and Sarah Adomah, Lead Breast Clinical Nurse Specialist at the hospital, approached Nubian Skin to create softies in their four signature colors to help improve post-operative care for women of colour. Given their expertise in diverse, skin-tone lingerie, Nubian Skin was happy to take on the challenge of developing a new product outside of their usual remit.

The project was funded by the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. The Royal Marsden together with its academic partner, The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), is the largest and most comprehensive cancer centre in Europe.

Watch Ade & Natalie's BBC interview below...

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